About Us

We Are Your Favourite Store.
Today’s “Paradise Flowers” in 2015 is nothing but a natural outgrowth of casual hobby backed by over 10 years of experience of growing different varieties of native as well as exotic orchid species and hybrids. Now the Paradise Flowers has become a brand name especially for its unique customer service and classic collection of rare and attractive orchids. Earlier there was no such awareness in India regarding orchid culture, not only that it was hardly possible to collect rare and attractive species due to its unavailability and quarantine issues. As a hardcore orchid enthusiastic we felt that we can generate special interest on orchid culture among all the plant lovers in India also move one step forward towards the conservation aspect of orchids only through rapid multiplication and distribution of healthy propagules and all other related accessories at the cheapest price. Our main motto is to reach every individual orchid enthusiastic in India with the slogan i.e. “Orchids for all” because we value their emotion and love for orchids. Paradise Flowers is based on Raiganj, Northern part of West Bengal, India. We provide unique orchid hybrids and species of several genera including; Cattleya, Catasetinae, Paphiopedilum, Dendrobium, Zygopetalum and Stanhopea etc. mainly through the rigorous process of cultivation, divisions and procurement from growers/importers. Also we are highly interested to develop new and unique orchid hybrids with the help of renowned plant breeder and scientists of our contact.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

We Deal With Various Quality Organic Products!

- Fresh fruits
- Dry fruits
- Fresh vegetables
- Dried vegetables
- Dried vegetables
- Beauty products
- Milk products
- Organic honey
- Organic tea