Lemon Gras Plant


Bushy plants, will be shipped in grow bag.

Availability: 10 in stock

Cymbopogon, also known as lemongrassbarbed wire grasssilky headsCochin grassMalabar grassoily headscitronella grass or fever grass, is a genus of Asian, African, Australian, and tropical island plants in the grass family. Some species (particularly Cymbopogon citratus) are commonly cultivated as culinary and medicinal herbs because of their scent, resembling that of lemons (Citrus limon). The name cymbopogon derives from the Greek words kymbe (κύμβη, ‘boat’) and pogon (πώγων, ‘beard’) “which mean [that] in most species, the hairy spikelets project from boat-shaped spathes.


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