Valencia Pride Mango Plant – Grafted


Grafted live plant. Easy replacement,  Fast delivery.

Availability: 15 in stock



The ‘Valencia Pride’ mango is a named late-season mango cultivar that originated in south Florida.

The fruit has a sigmoid shape that is long and slender, with a rounded base and rounded apex, and a large apical beak. It is quite large and averages well over a pound at maturity, sometimes reaching 2 pounds. The skin is yellow with much of it typically covered in brilliant crimson blush. The flesh is yellow, nearly fiberless, firm and juicy, with a sweet flavor and aroma. It contains a monoembryonic seed in an elongated husk. The fruit typically ripens from July to August in Florida, making it a late-season cultivar. Fruit production is consistent and good, with the fruit being moderately fungus resistant.

The trees are very vigorous growers and have a reputation as being among the fastest growing of the Florida mangoes. They are capable of growing in excess of 50 feet in height if left unpruned, with large, open, and spreading canopies.


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